Beard Combs vs. Regular Combs: Handle the Hair
Just like the hair on your head, your facial hair can get tangled and unseemly if you leave it to its own devices. But that’s about the extent to which you can compare the two kinds of hair. Beards require different kinds of attention than the top of your head does. Trying to use a regular comb or hair brush is going to frustrate you. The good news is that beard combs are plentiful, and fairly inexpensive.
Most common combs these days are made of rubber, but beard combs tend to be made of wood. You can find plenty of other beard combs out there, made of metal or bone or what have you. You can even find plastic beard combs. But most people seem to prefer the balance of solidity and cost that a wood comb gives you. Wood combs are also good for holding just a little bit of beard oil, which makes it even more useful.
Beard combs list for anywhere from $6 to $30. (You can check out some of the best beard combs here.) In reality, you can find a pretty solid one for under $15. Sure, standard combs are a lot cheaper. Your typical Ace comb goes for about $4 most of the time. You can buy multi-packs of combs for around $5-$10. A whole big jar of dozens of combs is usually less than $10. Combs are super-cheap, so of course a nice beard comb is going to be more expensive by comparison. The thing is, we’re still not talking about a ton of money for most people. Especially not when it comes to an item that’s going to be part of your regular routine for a long, long time.
It’s also worth nothing that a lot of the more expensive combs come with accouterments to make the purchase a little more worth it. It’s not uncommon to see a beard comb packaged with a brush, or at least a protective sleeve or carrying case. You know, in case you need to carry it with you for Beard Emergencies.
Different combs are meant to fulfill different tasks. Combs with finer teeth are good for hair that isn’t as thick, but if you’ve got a fuller head, you’ll want something with wider teeth, spaced further apart. Beard combs are similar. You can get shorter, finer ones for shorter beards. You can get ones with fatter teeth for de-tangling fuller beards. But generally, these combs are heavier-duty than a regular comb. They’re made to handle the texture and thickness of a beard. Within the wider world of beard combs, you’re sure to find something that suits your facial hair better than the average comb.
These combs are also shaped differently. The shorter, fatter shape helps you hold on to it at the angle you need to reach your beard. Many are even two-sided, with one side meant for heavier beards and another side meant for lighter beards and mustaches. Grabbing a long comb and awkwardly holding your arm off to the side isn’t a huge inconvenience. But it’s an inconvenience you don’t need. It’s worth spending $10 or so for that extra bit of leverage and comfort every day. And again, if you want to apply beard oil, wooden combs are perfect for holding and spreading it.
(Images via Amazon, Adobe)